Canadian Health and Care: Treatment by Colors
The white color establishes health in man. The white color brings health. Black evokes bad, negative conditions in man. When one is ill, he has to dress in white clothes. One must constantly change the colors. Colors evoke movement, life. They are energies, which have different effects on people. One has to go through all nuances of the range of colors. Furthermore, it is defined how much time he shall spend in each color, in each nuance of the range of colors. If he spends more time than the defined one in a given color, certain satiety will settle in him.
Black is a color of relaxation and concentration: after working all day, one needs to rest for a while, collect his thoughts, and give nothing out. It is not a bad color. Psychologically its effect is nice. It is a color that collects more energy. When a person is very nervous, it is better for him to wear black clothes to have more energy. Children are dressed in white. It is correct and appropriate, because they have plenty of energy to distribute.
If the heart is ailing, harmonize with the red rays of the light, take the red color in yourself. If the thoughts are disharmonious, the yellow color has to penetrate in you. If the liver is upset, you shall take in the green color. All colors may be separated very well by a prism. A reasonable power in Nature stands behind each color.
If a person has more of the red light and the other lights are missing, then he has a predisposition to anger.
When you suffer with headaches, eye problems, rheumatism, or any other disease, do experiments with the colorful rays to see how they will affect your organism. There are many ways, in which you can treat yourself, but treatment by colorful rays is amongst the most effective ones.
When you want to heal a certain weakness in yourself, pass the pink and yellow colors through your mind.
Light colors (light blue, light yellow) are soothing to the nervous system. Green regulates the electric and magnetic flows in Nature and in the human organism.
Fear is a negative quality of the lower mind and if it heavily occurs with someone, it is better for a person to take in the orange color as a means of balancing of powers. He can recover through it.
You are discouraged. You are in a deadlock. You are not able to think. Use the yellow color. Select the yellow color of the light and do it so that it to shine forth in your mind.
No one of the colors shall be watched for a long time.
Blue brings calmness in man; sky-blue has an especially smoothing effect to the nervous system.
One, who has little faith, let him introduce the blue nuance in himself and remove the disbelief. Power goes through the violet nuance. You will use pink, when you do not feel well, and for health – red.
It is well to take seven silk threads in a notebook, which to correspond to the seven colors of the spectrum, and look at it at any indisposition. Nature treats by colors.
I say: what you know about the application of colors with regard to clothes of the people, concerns also their thoughts and feelings. Each thought, each feeling, each action is dressed in a certain color like in an article of clothing.
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