Kinky things: hypospadias, hydroceles and other curly ones
Roger was changing the nappy of his week-old son when Wow! What was going on? the baby had a tiny erection and the little hole wasn’t winking at him — where was it? Roger knew the child was able to wee, or he wouldn’t need a change…but this apparatus didn’t look at all like his other son’s.
He quickly took the baby down to the family doctor in Viagra Australia Online , where he was told: ‘Yes, young Mitchell has hypospadias. This is relatively common and is an accident of development. It occurs in about one in every 350 births. You will notice as Mitchell gets a little bigger, that when he has an erection, his little worm will probably have a slight downward curve. This is called chordee and almost always goes with hypospadias. It is caused by a fibrous band of tissue that pulls the penis into a curved shape. I’m going to refer him to the paediatric urologist, and when he’s a little older — say about a year — he’ll be scheduled for a surgical repair. You can see the opening to his urethra just on the underside of his glans, so it is possible that the urologist will be able to repair it in one operation…but we’ll leave that to him; he’s the expert!’
Hypospadias is relatively common and is usually detected on routine well-baby examinations. The skin closing over the passage that forms the urethra is deficient in part and is just replaced by a groove along the underside of the penis. It is usual to try to repair it early in life, before the child enters school, so he doesn’t suffer from the remarks of other children.
Hypospadias is usually mild, and men who have undetected hypospadias are able to have intercourse normally and father children. (One well-known historical figure who had hypospadias was the French King Henri II, husband of Catherine de Medici. Henri fathered at least thirteen children on both sides of the blanket.) Obviously, if chordee is severe, intercourse would be impossible; fortunately, this situation is almost always repaired in childhood. Corrective surgery usually results in a penis that looks normal and functions normally. Many female viagra never know that their partner had this condition as a child or had surgery for it.
Why does this happen? There are lots of theories, but no one really knows. Links have been made between things as diverse as vegetarianism in the mother, oestrogens in the environment and parental age. But if your child has hypospadias, it is not your fault! We don’t know what causes it, therefore, we don’t know how to prevent it.
One thing worth noting is that the repair for hypospadias requires as much loose skin as possible, to reconstruct the urethra all the way to the usual place of opening on the tip of the penis. So obviously a little boy with hypospadias should not be circumcised — he needs every bit of skin he can get.